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Although to some it may seem a myth, Global Warming is very real and happening faster than ever! This current heatwave has encouraged us to write a blog post, to hopefully raise more awareness of this topic.

Global Warming is the Earth’s temperature rising and becoming more and more unpredictable. It’s all caused by things humans have been doing; like burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and all this creates more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere!

Climate Change is something that’s slowly, yet increasingly happening in front of us.

“It's said that by the time a baby born today, is 80 years old - the world will be 6 and a half degrees warmer than it is now.”

We feel people aren’t shocked enough by Global Warming, therefore choose to do nothing about it. We’ve found some facts which hopefully will shock people enough to make them, make a change:

  1. Global flooding could triple by 2030

  2. 2/3 of The Great Barrier Reef has been damaged because of Climate Change

  3. Climate Change could lead to a refugee crisis

Dodl Bear loves nature and everything natural; he would never want to harm the environment, or anyone in it.

Here are some small ways that you can help the environment in a big way:

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

  2. Go solar

  3. Plant a tree

  4. Eat naturally

  5. Reuse towels

  6. Conserve water

  7. Drive less or Carpool

  8. Take lunch in a Tupperware

  9. Look for renewable fuel options

  10. Replace regular incandescent light bulbs

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