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Dodl's Diary: The Children's Media Conference

Monday, July 2nd

Dear Diary,

Me and Jade and Aimee packed up the car and went on an adventure. We travelled all the way to Sheffield to make new friends at The Children’s Media Conference.

When we got there, we found our hotel which was right in the middle of the city. It was very busy! There were lots of cars on the road! We checked in to the Hotel and had to take the elevator to the 5th floor!

Then we had a walk around to see where all the best parts of Sheffield were! It's a Dodl to Explore!

Anyway… better get an early night, we’ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow and I want to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed… well, not bushy…but fluffy tailed!

Tuesday 3rd July

Dear Diary,

It’s a Dodl to Be Friendly!

What a day! We had a super early morning! Jade and Aimee had to set their alarms to make sure we all got up in time! We were very excited! We talked about it over breakfast because breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Me, Jade & Aimee walked down to a place called Workstation. A big building with lots of people looking around. There were lots of young people in bright blue tops who helped us find our way. We told the lady our names and she gave us some name badges. Aimee’s said Editor & Creative Assistant and Jade’s said Brand Development & Licensing…whatever that is?

Anyway…we met lots of people today! It was good to make new friends. We went to look around The Playground in the Millennium Gallery. It was full of fun stuff and games and some kids were playing little guitars and colouring. We met a lady from YoutubeKIDS and she was very friendly! The 3 of us also met a lady who made apps, she was very nice too. The Gallery even had a forest inside! I showed Aimee & Jade and we all explored! It was fun!

Then, I had a very important meeting with lots of people. I was a bit nervous because me & Jade had to stand up in front of them all and tell them about my mission: to make the world a better place. They all clapped at the end and some of them even came to say hello!

Me & Aimee also met a nice lady called Fran. Fran draws every day and makes her drawings come alive, it’s called animation. She’s very nice and bubbly and our new friend. Fran is going to help Aimee & Jade when we get back to HQ, they’re going to work on something very exciting.

At this session, we also met Mark who helped us with our pitch book. He really liked my magic words...

"Crystalis, Inspiratus Amulatus, Travelatum!"

We went to this big hall at the Crucible Theatre next, to hear a speech from this writer-man. His name is Michael. His speech was very good, Aimee said it was inspirational and we all clapped at the end.

Time for bed, I’m tired after such a great day!

Wednesday 4th July

Dear Diary,

It’s a Dodl to Learn!

I learned a lot of new things today. I learned all about funding and pitching and development. First, I heard about what is happening next for UK kids and what kind of things people can do to get licensed. Then, I heard a nice man, called Josh, talk about his new books Night Zookeeper, which I’m going to read as soon as I can! Josh uses his books and his website to help kids learn in schools all over the world. Go, Josh, Go!

Then me and Jade and Aimee sat on the grass and talked to Eric. He’s my friend from London Book Fair. He really likes my drawings and seemed very happy with my mission: to make the world a better place!

My belly started to grumble so we went to Pizza Express. While we were there we made a new friend. Her name is Kayleigh. She’s writing a new story and works at CBEEBIES sometimes. The pizza was yummy too!

Then! The 3 of us went to a big party. There was a disco and lots of dancing and talking, there was even some people singing on the karaoke! We even bumped into our friend Omari who is working on 101 Dalmations Street project.

It was way past my bedtime by the time we got back to the hotel, but it was a super fun day… It's a Dodl to Have Fun!

Thursday 5th July

Dear Diary,

This was our last day at The Children’s Media Conference. We had to pack our things all over again and then rush over to hear Howard tell us all about his project called ‘Kids on Earth’. It’s very exciting!

Howard is talking to all these kids, all over the world! He asks them all about their life or where they live or what they like about school, anything! It’s a Dodl to Help! We met Howard on Tuesday when he spoke to me & Jade after we did our big presentation. He really liked us and wanted to know more.

After this, me & Jade went to a room to hear what the people from Disney and Sony look for in a pitch. This was very interesting, and Jade took lots of notes. We saw Orion, who we met on the second day, he had lots to say and certainly knows his stuff!

Then me & Aimee went to watch a presentation about puppets. This was very fun! I saw two men stood with their arms in the air, holding funny looking, fluffy creatures on their hands. Their voices were strange, and they were very silly! I learnt a lot and found them so funny! Aimee laughed lots too…It’s a Dodl to Laugh!

To end our amazing time at the conference, we watched Toby Thompson and his production of “I wish I was a Mountain”. It was very good. There was rhyme, live music and imagination!

It’s a Dodl to Say Thank You… I wanted to thank you all for continuing to support my mission to help make the world a better place, by encouraging children to be more mindful.

Me & Jade & Aimee are so grateful that we got to go to The Children’s Media Conference.

We are thankful that we received such a warm welcome and that everyone was very friendly. I’m thankful that the people we met showed such an interest in my intention and liked my values.

So who knows where you'll see me next? On another adventure?

Or my own TV show?

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