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Hands Across the Sea

Here at Fingley we like to think that we can reach all corners of the world. And with some great friends of ours, we have been able to.

When we launched our new book Fingley’s Secret Kingdom almost a month ago, we never imagined it would travel as far as it has.

Skye the Pixie, Drakon the Dragon and even Fingley himself were packaged up in their adventure story and sent to friends of ours in the furthest reaches of the world - Australia and America.

It’s so important to us to be able to spread the Fingley message across the world. The lovely ladies who have received these packages are inspiring and strong women, and have been inspired by our ethos. They have offered to share our story with other communities in the world and spread the messages in our books with everyone they meet.

It is easy to forget that there are no physical boundaries across the seas. There are no walls, no lines nothing stopping us uniting to deliver the same stories and messages. Countries can feel so far away, unreachable and different.

But that’s what Fingley’s message is, and for what Dodl Bear is an ambassador. There should be no divisions, no boundaries, no limits on what we can do, and who we can reach. Fingley seeks to unite all corners and communities of the world, to help them see that kindness, care and bravery does not depend on race, gender, religion or status.

When you see a tragedy like the one that we have just witnessed this weekend in America, you can see that human kindness knows no bounds. That horrific event could have seemed so distant to some of us, but the nature of humankind ensured that it touched us all, no matter how many seas separated us.

We don’t focus on the evil that happened on that day, that will happen again, and will continue to happen in the future. What we need to do is focus on the stories that came from that day. Stories of kindness, stories of compassion, stories of incredible bravery and sacrifice. Stories of love.

Humankind will always defy tragedy, loss and pain. Because instinctively we are prone to acts of love. It is our strongest asset and our most powerful strength.

Fingley and Dodl teach you to be aware of that strength. In this kind of world, in all parts of the Earth, it can be seen as a weakness and is sometimes threatened by the overwhelming discord in the world. But when it shines, it truly shines.

Thank you to the people who spread our message daily, and thank you to those who try.

With our children’s stories, bears, products and Dodl Bear, we can reach out invisible hands across the sea and unite the new generation with the hope and intention of making a better world for a humankind that cares.


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