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Be Kind To Humankind Week

This week is all about being kind to others.

From the 25th to the 31st August BK2HK encourages a week of good deeds, thinking of others, and practising kindness in order to help make the world a better place.

Of course, The Magical World of Fingley advocates kindness every day of the year, but by promoting BK2HK we can help take caring to another level.

They have a brilliant page which gives you a theme for each day, which makes it a bit easier to achieve a specific kindness goal. Take a look at some of their suggestions here:

Touch-a-Heart Tuesday, Willing-to-Lend-a-Hand Wednesday and Speak-Kind-Words Saturday are just a few of our favourites.

BK2HK was started by a lady named Lorraine Jara, after reading a tragic story that occurred because of a lack of kindness. Read more about that here:

It still surprises us here at Fingley HQ that one of the core strengths of humankind is not as well practised as it should be. It is one of the simplest things you can do, one of the easiest feelings you can muster, and still it seems to be one of the hardest things to sustain.

In a world which is becoming more and more materialistic, beauty obsessed, and money preoccupied it is harder than ever to even think about kindness, never mind practising it.

This world fuels jealousy, hate and selfishness. The social environment we live in has conditioned us to compete, so we are less likely to practise kindness, because we need to “be the best.” Sometimes, we might even secretly rejoice when something bad happens to another person.

Being kind is sometimes seen as a great weakness. But our ability to genuinely care is the strongest possession humankind was granted. We are naturally empathic creatures, we love deeply and we commit extraordinary acts of heroism when the people we care about are threatened or in danger. It’s not easy to be kind. Not in the environment we live in right now. It is harder to be caring, to be happy for others, to be selfless. But that is why you should fight to do it. Make the decision to be happy for another, praise another when something goes well, comfort another when they have a bad day.

There are enough people in the world trying to tear others down. Don’t be that person. Find the strength in yourself to make the effort to be kind. And to be truly honestly kind, with no secret motive, no sarcasm, no resentment. It will be difficult. It will take a lot of fighting. But you will become a better person because of it. And from that, together, we will be able to start building a better world.

All of our Fingley books talk about kindness. Try Tom’s Time-Tunnel Quest and Lucy’s Fingley Discovery to see how you can encourage your children to care.


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